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FatalStryke strikes again – Community Wishlist Details

April 29, 2013


FatalStryke strikes again, this time he just made a great work summarizing all the issues of the game and every complain of the community in one single long, articulated, well-organized forum thread. He provided also a document easy to bring on every device, to share and send to each and every gear-head out there.

If you still don’t have an account as and EpicGamer on the official forum maybe it’s the right time to go and express your opinion on this matter.

Here is the introduction of the thread:

Hey all,

There’s been a lot of discussion over the last couple of weeks about a Gears community wish list being compiled by community member FatalStryke. He pulled this together with over 40 hours of work so we really appreciate the effort.

The list was compiled from 800+ emails sent to Fatal, Crream, and other community members, as well as from community critique videos from folks like Arctyc, posts from right here on this forum, community tweets, and YouTube comments. I understand Fatal also had some help from CaptnBarbosa and Murrizzle editing the list, so that’s greatly appreciated.

Of course Epic looks at all sorts of feedback when considering changes and additional things we can do to help Judgment, but it’s cool to see this sort of effort to corral the community’s thoughts and I think there are some good things here within the list.

For those who aren’t familiar with FatalStryke, here’s a bit of info he provided:

Joseph “FatalStryke” Iaquinto 
Gears competitor (7 years) (Pro level) Gears Caster / commentator
Team / Player Relations Manager for @hypefestation Guest on @activereloadtv

Contact Info
Twitter = @FatalStryke
Stream = twitch.tv/fatalstryke

I’ll break out the list over the next few posts. I know Fatal is curious to see your thoughts on each of the sections. We are too.

Remember that this entire list is fan suggestions and proposed solutions, so you shouldn’t read any of it as commentary from the Epic side. We’ll definitely share thoughts on these topics soon, if we haven’t already.

When sharing your thoughts, be sure to keep things constructive. We definitely expect differences of opinion and there’s room for various perspectives.

Wishlist final document: GoWJWishlistFinal

Source and full thread: EpicGames Forum

Very first Administrator of this community, anonymous by definition. The entire fan community somehow is hidden behind his generic title.


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