Gears of War® and all logos like the Omen®, characters, artwork, stories, information, names, and other elements associated thereto, including but not limited to the Marcus Fenix and COGs, are the sole and exclusive property of Microsoft Corporation.
C.O.G. Anonymous is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Microsoft Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, employees, or associates. C.O.G. Anonymous offers no suggestion that the work presented on this web page is “official” or produced or sanctioned by the owner or any licensees of the aforementioned trademarks. C.O.G. Anonymous will take all steps necessary to ensure that any usage of trademarked items in no way confuses the audience of this site as to its origin. C.O.G. Anonymous makes no claim to own Gears of War or any of the copyrights or trademarks related to it. Images that are displayed on this site could have been collected from the internet and copyrighted to Microsoft Corporation or their partner, or to the creator of the image.
The content licensing of this website does NOT apply to the original works and trademarked names. The Gears of War titles and associated names are the sole property of Microsoft Corporation. The administrators of C.O.G. Anonymous believe that the operation of this website falls under the definition of “fair use” under United States copyright laws and are solely made for fun and to aid in building the Gears Family.
C.O.G. Anonymous is actually a renewed member of The Coalition Army program.