Gears of War: Judgment has gone gold. Cheers! (“Going Gold” is when the software is good enough to be printed on disk)
Source: Twitter
Very first Administrator of this community, anonymous by definition. The entire fan community somehow is hidden behind his generic title.
Here is a pair of undisclosed documents release by The Coalition at the time of Gears of War 4, when TC started a program called “Coalition Army”
Myrrah, a human, was just a child when she
In the trailer of Gears Of War 2 titled
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening Good Day. My Name is
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Here is a pair of
Myrrah, a human, was just
In the trailer of Gears
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening Good
ESCAPE – JUNE Today is
This time we would like
So many fans are looking
Microsoft has recently released new
Sweet, beautiful turrets.. they are
New maps and skins also
Video: Lost Relics DLC – Ward