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Gears of War 4 Will Be A “Graphical Showcase” On Xbox One

February 22, 2016

The Studio Head of The Coalition, Rod Fergusson, spoke with the Official Xbox Magazine US (via Nerdleaks) on how great Gears of War 4 will look like on the Xbox One. He is confident that the game will blow people away.

“Delivering [with Ultimate Edition] the first 60fps multiplayer experience in franchise history really taught us a lot about what it means to have a 60fps culture on the team and we’re leveraging that experience for Gears of War 4.

Many people praised the graphics of the first Gears of War game as many felt it pushed the Xbox 360 hardware to its limit at the time. Ferguson promises the new game will do the same thing for the Xbox One console.

Like how the original Gears of War was a visual showcase for the Xbox 360, Gears of War 4 will be a graphical showcase for the Xbox One.

Many first party Xbox One games have been able to reach 1080p and 60fps. It’s entirely possible the new Gears of War game will boast impressive graphics and decent performance too.

Via: gearnuke.com


Community founder. Suicide runner, blind sniper.

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