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Theme Saturdays!

September 29, 2015

The GFC is proud to present a returning fan favourite, Theme Saturday! [Formerly Theme Thursday.] Theme Saturdays are events The GFC creates every other Saturday at 2pm EST that follow a specific set of guidelines. One Saturday it could be Gnasher’s only, the next Saturday could be matches entirely removing the use of the “A” button! We are also very open to seeing your great ideas for upcoming Saturdays in this thread!.

What to Do?!

On the Saturday we have an event planned, be sure to look at the main thread and see which of the moderators is hosting Theme Saturday. Beside each host will be colour coded; green is available, red is unavailable, and yellow is un-sure.


The GFC [Gears Forum Community] is a community of Gears of War players. The community group varies in skill from the casual gamer, all the way up to the professional and is unbiased to its participants. The GFC creates and executes public events, tournaments, and the occasional give-away to entertain and interact with the Gears of War community. Our overall goal within The GFC is to unite gamers, make new friends, and play the game we love, together. The GFC has a designated thread that is looked after and moderated by mods; where all users are encouraged to discuss Gears of War related topics and GFC related content.

The GFC was previously known as the EGFC; Epic Games Forum Clan. This was back when Epic Games owned the rights to the Gears of War franchise and Epic Games ran a forum just like this one. The premise was the same; a group designated for Gears of War fans to talk, unite, and play Gears. A little bit of information for the newer members of our great community!

If you would like to join this great community and be apart of our great events, please join today! Click here and you will be directed to our main thread! Please read this thread before joining to better understand our group, the rules, and how to become a member!


Event: Big Bang/Hammers and Torques

Date: Saturday, October 3rd, 4:00pm EST

For further infos, visit the official site: gearsofwar.com


Community founder. Suicide runner, blind sniper.

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